
Chief of the Day

Representing Tulalip Tribes and the values of strength, courage, bravery, and leadership is the Chief for a Day. Leah Sheldon represents Tulalip Tribes as Chief for a Day. “We know you’re not just chiefs for a day,” Lt. Governor of Washington Cyrus Habib remarks in commencement, “You’re gonna be chiefs for the rest of your lives.”

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Robert Guss video thumbnail

Robert Guss, TPD

Lorelei Ranney video thumbnail

Lorelei Ranney, TPD

Jim Williams video thumbnail

Jim Williams, TPD

Christopher Gobin video thumbnail

Christopher Gobin, TPD

Bow Gobin video thumbnail

Bow Gobin, TPD

Angela Davis video thumbnail

Angela Davis, TPD

Amanda Hunter video thumbnail

Amanda Hunter, TPD

Tulalip Tribal Police poster image for the Chief of the Day video.

Chief of the Day, TPD

Tulalip Tribal Police poster image for the National Night Out video

National Night Out

Tulalip Tribal Police poster image for Chief's Welcome.

Chief's Welcome

Tulalip Tribal Police poster for K-9 Unit image.

Tulalip Police K9 Unit